スクールについて-About School-

We strive to be a very warm and welcoming school for all children and parents.
At our school we pride ourselves on having a very close, family feel for the students and believe that children will feel safe, comfortable and confident being surrounded by our professional teachers who care about each students well-being and individual learning needs.
We support each child’s learning styles and most importantly their personal and emotional growth.
Sometimes children will face difficult times and we are always here to help and support them in a caring way.
As a parent you can leave your children in our care with the knowledge that they will be well looked after with every teacher atuned to the students personal needs.
Above all we know that you will see great improvements in your child’s English skills in all aspects from reading and writing to listening and speaking skills.
To have an active part in the future international community, it is essential to have the ability to communicate with people from all over the world. From 2018, English has been incorporated nationwide into the curriculum at all schools across Japan, also becoming a compulsory subject from grade 3. We will prepare our students fully to help them in their future studies.

- JISで英語のみならず学事の楽しさを実感する事が出来ます。
- JISでは年間を通して様々な国内外のイベントを行っております。
- 好奇心や創造性を育むアクティビティーを豊富に全てのクラスにご用意しております。
- Kindergartenのお子様は、日本の小学校に進学する事も踏まえて、英語学習の両立ができるように専門講師による日本語知育教室が週1回(60分)の授業があります。
- 個別授業もございます。
- お預かりしている時のお子様の様子をお写真でお見せしております。
- 毎月ニュースレターを日本語版/英語版とお渡ししております。
- クッキングレッスンがあります。(Preschool/Kindergarten/Afterschool)
- 有名私立小学校/インターナショナルスクール(小学校)などの受験対策、相談を随時行っております。
- スクールに通園しているお子様全員のお誕生日にはプレゼントをお渡ししております。
(Preschool,Kindergartenのお子様は、保護者の方参加のお誕生日会を行います) - 全てのプログラムでは、ご兄弟参加、入園を対象に割引き制度を設けております。